Heavens Sash™” is 100% Eastern Red Cedar encased in natural fire retardant jute sleeves.
The Permanent Solution
10-Step Directions for use: Sleep Tite Bed Sash
- Take the mattress and box spring off bed. (Or simply prop up to gain access under the bed area.)
- Vacuum area under bed, underneath box-spring, mattress and the rest of the room.
- Shake the cedar dust gently from the Bugless Bed Bag, carpeting all the area directly under the Box spring/mattress.
- Leave the Bag under the bed in the center of the floor.
- Replace the box spring.
- Lay the Bed Sash (bugless bed pad) a-top the box-springs length ways and replace the mattress on top of them(it).
- Wait 24 hours and re-vacuum room, not under bed, from bathroom all the way out into the hallway. And in all corner baseboard areas.
- Use 2 for King, Queen, Full, Double. 1 for Twin or single beds, or sleeping bag. Hang extra length toward headboard.
- More cedar = more repulsion. Un-zip to replenish cedar or add depending on severity of infestation.
- For extra chipped cedar or to order Bed Sash call:
Sleep Tite Bed Sash works in enclosed biospheres, just like cedar chests, and cedar closets; but with a higher density and surface area repulsion rate due to releasing more of the active ingredient of Eastern Red Cedar by chipping it into small rough pieces.
Sleep Tight Bed Sash is 100% aromatic Cedar encased in fire retardant jute. Overpowering bugs!
Because of the known active & historically significant clinically proven properties of aromatic cedar, we need not hard sell you or your guests on the viability of this new wonderful fumigant delivery system! Everyone will sleep better knowing it’s there without applying sprays, bleach or chemical potions. All Green, non-toxic ingredient used by millions.
One price services entire bed & room. Cut labor, toil, troubles & time. Havens Door 714-639-0848